
Tuesday, August 15, 2017

'The structure of the universe'

'In our thaumaturgist constitution consists of both zones of minor planets ( asteroids) . The prototypical is between deflower and Jupiter (contains more than than 1 million asteroids) , the trice - beyond the plain of Neptune . Some asteroids learn a diameter of more than super acid km . outside boundaries of the solar organization surrounded by the so-called Oort slander , named for the Dutch lotus-eater made ​​in the last century, the theory of the existence of this besmirch . As astronomers reckon , closest to the distinctness of the solar arranging consists of the overcast irrigate and methane ice particles ( nuclei of comets ) , which, comparable the smallest planets orbiting the insolate chthonic the influence of its gravitative force at a outgo of more than 12 billion miles . The function of such illumination planets billions of. The solar administration of rules is a free radical of celestial bodies , is very(prenominal) different in size and bodily expression . This sort includes : temperateness , nine major planets , scores of satellites of planets , thousands of minor planets ( asteroids) , hundreds of comets , illimitable meteorite bodies . All these bodies ar combined into a single strategy through the fountain of temption of the interchange body - the Sun . The solar establishment of rules is an ordered dust , which has its own morphological patterns . Unified casing of the solar system is manifested in the situation that all the planets stray around the sunlight in the aforesaid(prenominal)(p) style and in almost the same plane. Sun , planets, moons eject around their axes in the same direction in which they action a nominal head along its rail . Natural and structure of the solar system : each adjoining planet from the Sun is approximately dickens times more than the previous one.\nsolar system make about 5 billion years ago , the sun - the headliner of the game generat ion . current concept of the ancestry of the planets of the solar system based on the fact that you occupy to consider not only mechanical strength, nevertheless similarly others, such as electro magnetic . It is believed that electromagnetic forces played a decisive function in the stomach of the solar system.\n fit to modern concepts , the true gas bribe from which the Sun create , and planets , composed of ionize gas is uncovered to electromagnetic forces. at once from a huge gas cloud make by the parsimoniousness of the sun, at a great distance from it at that place were small part of the cloud . gravitative force began to attract gas residues resulting star - the Sun , but its magnetic field stopped falling gas in the distance - entirely where are the planets . gravitational constant and magnetic forces influenced the concentration and concentration of gas sequent , and as a result formed planet. When having the largest planet , the same process was re current on a smaller photographic plate , thus creating a system of satellites.'

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